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Go through 8 effective and proven MA programs that will get you strong and mobile, all while burning unwanted fat and building muscle! Each program in this year-long journey is designed to last 30 to 60 days and will challenge you at every level of fitness as you continue to progress and increase your endurance.
Meal Plans
Each program includes a meal plan that will help you fuel your body to achieve real, sustainable results and teaches you how to create balanced meals for a complete lifestyle change. Our meal plans fit personalized preferences, such as plant-based, carnivore, and pescatarian.
Daily Coaching Emails
Every time you complete a workout, you will receive a coaching email that will educate and inspire you throughout your journey.
Strong + Supportive Community
The MA Warrior Community is made up of thousands of men and women who will help encourage you along your journey. You will have access to a private group for community building and support and to share tips, tricks and advice.
Discounts + Perks
As an MA Warrior, you will be first to receive news and information about events that Massy is hosting, attending or participating in, as well as early access to promotional codes and discounts to Massy’s supplement line, Tru Supplements.